R enowned Tamil superstar Thalapathy Vijay finds himself embroiled in a legal dispute due to his endorsement of tobacco in a song from his latest film "Leo," directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. The controversial song, titled "Naa Ready," depicts Vijay smoking a cigarette, while the lyrics make references to tobacco consumption. The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) has received numerous complaints about the song and has demanded the removal of all tobacco references from the film. ASCI argues that the song violates its guidelines on tobacco advertising, which strictly prohibit showcasing tobacco products in a positive light in any promotional material. In response to ASCI's directives, the film's production team has pledged to comply with the guidelines. They intend to edit out the tobacco references from the song and all promotional materials associated with the movie. This is not the first instance of Vijay facing backlash for endorsing tobacco. In...